Rules of car exchange


The 3 most important values ​​in the Raysitrade Community


Rules of conduct apply in the Raysitrade community. Together we keep the community reliable and car exchange remains fun and attractive for everyone.

You exchange your car with another car owner via Raysitrade. Car exchange requires certain rules of conduct based on our three most important values. In this way we build and maintain a reliable community together. Wondering what exactly we mean by respect and which behavior is not desired? Then read on.



Respect, involvement and social behavior are the three most important values ​​in the Raysitrade community. When we adhere to this, we build and maintain a reliable community together. You happy, the community happy, we happy!



Neat handling of the car, each other and traffic rules is essential. Therefore, handle the car with care and listen to the carowner's instructions. Make sure that the tank is refilled as agreed and of course leave the car clean. Also respect each other's time and agenda, because nobody likes to wait unnecessarily long.

When is there little respect?

If the applicable traffic rules (speed or parking) are violated. When you smoke in the car but it is not allowed. If you return the car messy and dirty. And there is little respect even if you do not take other people's time and agenda into account.



Because we are all part of the community, being involved is of great importance. Clear and timely communication before, during and after a booking is pleasant for everyone. For example, let us know in time if you are stuck in traffic or have a breakdown. Be open and complete what you want from each other and look for the right solution together!

Which behavior does not reflect involvement?

Without communication you make your own plan or change something last minute without informing each other. By not showing involvement, we mean, for example, having to leave quickly without properly completing the check-out.


Social behavior

You have become a member of a community of people. You will soon be driving a person's car and not a company. Together we connect people and neighborhoods in this way. Look into each other's eyes, shake hands and introduce yourself when you pick up the car keys. Be friendly and get to know each other. This way you quickly discover that there are very nice people in the community!

Unreasonable behavior that is not social?

Short communication, poor contact or no response at all are examples of anti-social behavior. This also includes not being honest when damage has occurred or when the car keys are thrown through the letterbox quickly.

Are you planning to trade your car? Then stick to our most important values. This way car sharing remains fun for everyone and together we build a reliable Raysitrade Community